As I was dreaming of finding another fascinating printmaking book on Amazon one day last year, I ran right into a book I couldn't resist! I just had to try the process described in this book. Besides, something about it reminds me of how I do linocuts. This photo shows my first attempts last Christmas at decorating eggs using a series of wax applications and dyes, a process called pysanky. I somehow have to find the time to do more!
Ah, les livres irrésistibles, leurs magies et leurs charmes.
ReplyDeleteEst-ce une coutume étatsunienne de décorer des oeufs pour Noël ?
Ah, irresistible books, their magics and charms.
Is American popular custom of decorating eggs for Christmas?
Decorating eggs for Christmas is not a popular custom here at Christmas but it is for Easter. There are also fantastic chocolate ones!
ReplyDeleteDecorer d'oeufs pour Noel n'est pas une coutume populaire ici mais c'est pour Paques. Il ya aussi des oeufs en chocolat fantastique!
N'as-tu pas décoré de la sorte dinde et sapin de Noël ?
ReplyDeleteHave you not decorated like that turkey and Christmas tree?
Beaucoup d'oeufs pysanky sur un arbre de Noel serait exceptionnel. Je peux imaginer ca!!
ReplyDeleteMany pysanky eggs on a Christmas tree would be exceptional. I can imagine that!!
Je dois faire des oeufs de Thanksgiving pour toute la famille cette annee. Avec les dindes et corne d'abundance!
I should make Thanksgiving eggs for all of the family this year, with turkeys and cornucopia!
A new family tradition.