
Monday, October 4, 2010

The Empress B&B

This past week-end I spent some time in Cape May, on the coast of New Jersey, and was lucky to have a perfect day to take some photos of the Victorian homes there. So many, looking like dollhouses! It is fascinating to see the color choices. I love all of them, even the purple ones!


  1. Etaient-ce les mêmes couleurs à l'époque de la construction ?

    Were these the same colors at the time of the building ?

  2. Non, il a ete recemment renove. J'ai trouve une photo a la fin de la page sur ce website!

    No, it has been recently renovated. I have found a photo at the end of the page on this website!

  3. Anyway, this mansion is looking fine !
    A good place for artists !


  4. Il n'ya pas des restrictions sur les couleurs de peinture si l'imagination peut etre libre!

    There are no restrictions on the colors so the imagination can be free!

    Avant, il a ete peint blanc avec des volets verts. C'est un endroit different!

    Before, it was painted white with green shutters.
    It is a different place!

  5. The original building was demolished and this is a faux Victorian structure. Also, it was never a B&B as the Empress.

  6. I guess I was a little confused with the name since now I realize that it was a B&B with a different name. I didn't realize that the entire original building was replaced! I read something different on :-/
