
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Pretlow Library and Art in the Foyer!

An interior designer that I know, Ray Jennings, who is also a pottery teacher at my art center designed the interiors of a library in Norfolk, Va, specifying these nice display cases in the foyer. He thought that some art from the center would look great displayed there so yesterday I took some of my work to the library and we arranged it in the two outside cases. A wonderful jeweler at the center, Cathy Jo Ramsey,  placed her work in the middle display case. The administrators of our center are always reminding us that we need to get out in the community more so I thought that this would be something I could do. Anyway, it looks nice but I'm not sure if any sales will come of it. I think promoting ourselves is the hardest part if you are serious about being an artist. Of course you want people to know who you are and some of it is fun but mostly we can't wait to work on our art! 

I like this library - you can't see it in my photos but it has a sealife theme in some of the areas, especially the children's area but it isn't overdone. It makes sense since Norfolk is on the water! These display cases give it some sparkle when you come in the door.


  1. Optimism is one of the colours on the palette of the painter

  2. are quite the clever one!!
    That's good!

    1. The happy teaser is never too far away!

      (but I did think your comment was clever!)

  3. Do not be too afraid - it is a happy teaser!!
