
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

My New Work Space

The people who worked in my new art studio before me loved color! I like color but it's a little overwhelming so I've been busy this week toning it down. I'm so ready to get to work. I didn't  have a window in my last studio but I had a beautiful dark wood floor that I'll miss.

Changing these wild colors!
Should I keep the red wall?
I like my view!

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Red-Winged Blackbirds Sketch

At my house snow flurries today have left us with a dusting of snow. Other nearby parts of the country have 1-2 feet of snow from the same storm. Almost 2 feet in Philadelphia! We are a bit warmer here.
I saw a large flock of Red-winged Blackbirds stop in my yard several times this morning so I thought I'd draw a few. They are quite common around here and can be seen year-round in areas around the Chesapeake Bay.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

The d'Art Center is Moving!

This month the d'Art Center, where I have my studio, is moving to another space temporarily, for perhaps two years. It isn't perfect but it will be great to have a new home. Since April of last year (when the old building was damaged by an explosion), the artists have been scattered, working at various places or at their homes. Waiting for some sort of news! I've been getting ready for the move, packing supplies and painting some of the old furniture. This week I'll see my new studio space and arrange for the move. The city of Norfolk is trying to create an Arts District and this is where the building is located, so maybe the location will be a good move!

moving here

The Chrysler Art Museum is close-by. Very nice!
(picture courtesy of Wikipedia)

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Haemorhous mexicanus

I frequently see House Finches at my bird feeder so I am able to observe them and collect a few photos if I'm lucky. At least they don't come and go quite as quickly as the Chickadees! I made a few sketches to help me with my next painting.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Nightfall - Prints of the Dark Hours

Recently I visited the Virginia Museum of Fine Art in Richmond, Virginia and was excited to discover an exhibit of prints called "Nightfall - Prints of the Dark Hours". I've always liked images of the night with the contrast between light and shade and atmospheric affects from the available light. Nocturnes - images of the the night! Here are a few that I found interesting. They really inspire me to do more etchings!

illustration from novel Figures and Grimaces, 1926

Gene Koss
Christmas Eve - Taos Pueblo, 1946
drypoint, aquatint
Alphonse Legros
Effect du Soir, late 19th
etching, aquatint,  drypoint

Bill Jacklin
After the Event I, 2000
etching, aquatint, engraving

James McBey
Santa Maria della Fava, 1926
etching, drypoint

Amin Landeck
Pop's Tavern, 1934
drypoint, aquatint

Gene Koss
Christmas Eve - Taos Pueblo, 1946
Drypoint, aquatint
