I was in the library the other day and saw this book which caught my attention because it's about art and as an added bonus, has some french words, which I am trying to learn! In August of 1911 the Mona Lisa vanished from the Louvre in Paris. Written in 2009 by R.A Scotti, the book looks back at the case and clues to tell the story. It seems the painting was lost for over two years and then returned. I will know more after finishing my reading! So far I have not only learned something about detective work at that time but that the Louvre has quite a fascinating history.
Come on !
ReplyDeleteIl est naif?
It is naive?
Qui est naïf ?
ReplyDeleteLe sourire de la Joconde ?
Who is naive ?
The Joconde's smile ?
C'est une bonne pensee mais non. Quand tu dit "come on!", voule-tu que mes idees sur ce livre sont peut-etre naive ou es-tu dire "come on, il est temps d'aller au Louvre!"??
Il n'est jamais naïf de vouloir en savoir plus !
ReplyDeleteC'est toujours le bon moment pour visiter le Louvre !
It is never naive to want to know more!
It is always a good time to visit the Louvre!
A ce moment je pensais de mon commentaire et tu repondu! Hello!
ReplyDeleteD'aller au Louvre!....peut-etre un jour!
ReplyDeletequand viens-tu voir ce terrible sourire ?
Je ne sais pas quand exactment je vais voir ce Joconde avec le terrible sourire! Mais je voudrais le voir la.
ReplyDeleteCe sourire a certainment recu un bonne part de l'attention!
I don't know exactly when I am going to see this Mona Lisa with the terrible smile! But I would like to see it there.
This smile has certainly received a good amount of attention!
Come on !
Our door is open and Le Louvre is only half of an hour from home !
ReplyDeleteNotre porte est ouverte et Le Louvre n'est qu'à une demie heure de la maison !
Tu me faites rire avec votre mots "come on"! Funny you! :-)
ReplyDeleteEnsuite, nous aurons a venir te voir et Le Louvre! De recontrer un ami vieille plume et La Joconde semble comme un bon moment!
Then we will have to come see you and the Louvre. To meet an old pen friend and the Mona Lisa seems like a good time!
Quand vous voulez !
ReplyDeleteQuand je trouve un peu plus de mon courage!
Juste un peu de timidite pour une nouvelle aventure.....mais pas trop! (but not too much!)
ReplyDeleteQuand visiter....hmm...je vais y reflechir!
When to visit...hmm..I will think about it!
La timidité est-elle compatible avec l'amitié ?
ReplyDeleteIs shyness compatible with friendship ?
On aide a l'autre, donc il est un bonne paire!
ReplyDeleteOne aids the other, so it is a good pair!