
Thursday, June 16, 2011

3-Way Rabbits or Rabbits 3 Ways!

I've always liked rabbits. Who doesn't? (unless you're a gardener!) I've decided to do three works with rabbits, each a different method. I'm starting with this black and white linocut and see where it goes. It's my serious, resting rabbit! I've started with a simple drawing as a guideline and still have some thinking to do before committing to a background. I couldn't wait to get started so here I've made a few cuts with my linoleum tool.


  1. ah! c'est super bravo... bonne continuation Anne
    et bon weekend ;)

  2. oh merci! J'espere etre surpris avec un bon resultant a la fin! J'aime faire ces oeuvres d'une coleur. Mais cette fois je voudrais utliser le processus de colle de chine aussi.
    Have a sunny day!
