
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Wicked Plants by Amy Stewart

Yesterday I went to the library to find information on one thing and then came home with something else, which happens so often! This little book really caught my attention. First the title is fun and then the subject matter is fascinating. On the back of the book it says "BEWARE! The sordid lives of plants behaving badly." :-) I'm learning some odd and scarey things about plants! Like the plant in the photo called the Stinging Tree, the most feared tree in Australia! The author says the tree sheds its fine hairs constantly and passersby run the risk of inhaling them and getting them in their eyes. She says brushing up against the tree can result in unbearable pain that can last up to a year. Whoa!

Of course this book also got my attention because of the many etchings and drawings done to illustrate the text. If you like scandals and want to be amused and enlightened, check out this cool book!


  1. j'aime aussi ce genre de livre (of course)! les dessins toujours très fin, des plantes.
    Bisous et bon dimanche à toi.

  2. Hello if6,
    I know that you would enjoy it!
    Quelques-uns des dessins et textes sont tres humoristique. Et bien sur, certains sont tres graves. But good!
    Le papier est de couleur tan avec des plantes tres effacee en arriere-plan, je pense. Tres agreable!
    Thank you for your visit.
    A hug for you!
