
Saturday, October 8, 2011

Ecluse de l'Anguille on the Canal du Midi in Southern France

I've heard that the location of the Ecluse de l'Anguille, a lock on the Canal du Midi, is the most decorated and although I didn't see all of them, I can believe it's true. The keeper of the lock definitely enjoys sculpting and his creations are everywhere around the lock as well as around his house and they are quite original! For me it was unexpected, a pleasant surprise!


  1. C'est rigolo et touchant en effet...

  2. Cette galeris en plein air est amusant! Je me demande combien d'annees il a ete de les faire.
    Je ne sais pas!
    Take care and good day.

  3. Really, he must have some old Renaults in the back. Or at least a motorcycle or two!

  4. Have you met colleagues there ?
    I mean, in art

  5. I would love to have met some printmakers there but for a first time in France, there wasn't enough time. If I am able to return someday, I'd like to find some studios to visit. And galleries and more museums! Maybe attend an opening!


  6. the sweet stroke of luck was sleepy ...


  7. Hmm, nice.....well, I did see a store that sells materials for the printmaker with etchings in the window!
