
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Mallards on the Canal du Midi in France

While on vacation in France recently, we rented a boat and cruised the Canal du Midi in the south for a few days. These ducks were especially plentiful around the small town boat bases. Of course we know why but I have not heard such vocal ducks. One evening I was cooking dinner and using my phone as a timer when I heard this familiar duck sound. It was so loud and clear that it seemed like a duck was on board! We searched high and low for that duck until I discovered that I had chosen a duck call for the timer on my phone. Very appropriate I guess! Need more wine, please!

This video of the real ducks is one of my first attempts at using my phone as a video camera. It isn't very good - for one thing I turned the camera the wrong way! But I wanted to see if I could put one on my blog, so here it is!


  1. No duck, just accompanied by their friendly squawking and yapping while cooking!

  2. ah c'est super!
    ;) j'adore le canal du Midi. Es-tu passée à Béziers avec les écluses?

  3. Bonjour!
    Hey there!
    Nous avions un bateau pour deux pour six jours, mais seulement trois jours de croisiere sur le canal. Malheureusement Beziers etait trop loin de Trebes. Un endroit tres interessant, je crois. Apres trente ecluses, nous avons decide de visiter Carcassone par bus! Mais le canal est beau!! Tu as navigue ici??
